Fun, "Normal" Things From Our Childhoods That People Probably Can't Do Today

⚽️ Go Sports!
Jenny: 30-year-old Aaron Judge signed his contract w/the New York Yankees (even though everyone thought he was going to leave them!) – 9 years, $360 MILLION. Ho. Lee. Crap.
Caitlin: FIFA Update: Morocco knocked Spain and Portugal out of the World Cup– no matter how the rest of the event goes, they can be proud of taking out top contenders!
👏 Current Obsessions
Jenny: Christmas lists: Kit - another bedroom or pillows; Abby - Clearly Canadian, Japanese melon soda, and maybe a gerbil.
Caitlin: Going to Target at 7:30 am. It's a vibe , y'all.
💎 Gem Of The Week
Jenny: “Are you done texting Caitlin yet?”
Caitlin: Sam: “F*ckin’ around, the Christmas tree…Later we'll have some f*ckin' pie and we'll do some caroling...” A lá Brenda Lee’s “Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree”
Fun Fact: Brenda Lee was just 13 years old when she first recorded “Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree” in 1958.
Real Talk
by Alice Lahoda, BuzzFeed Staff
Many thanks to Alice Lahoda for her article. If you'd like more of her content, click here.
Happy Holidays!